情緒不穩是中風的另一個後遺症,患者除了情緒高低起伏大外,更有可能不適當地表達情感,譬如大笑或無緣故哭泣。雖然情感表達通常是根據患者的實際情緒,但情緒不穩的情況更嚴重的話,可能會導致患者沒有考慮因由或情感,出現「又哭又笑」的病徵(Pathological laughing and crying, PLC)。有些患者會表現出相反的情感,例如當開心的時候會哭泣。大約20%的中風患者會有情緒不穩出現。
National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS)
Score Stroke Severity
0 No Stroke Symptoms
1-4 Minor Stroke
5-15 Moderate Stroke
16-20 Moderate to Severe Stroke
21-42 Severe Stroke
1) Level of Consciousness
Alert; keenly responsive. (0 points)
Not alert, but arousable with minimal stimulation (1 point)
Not alert, requires repeated stimulation to attend or is obtunded and requires strong or painful stimulation to make movements (not stereotyped). (2 points)
Coma. Responds only with reflex motor or autonomic effects, or totally unresponsive. (3 points)
2) Patient Knows Month and Own Age
Answers both correctly (0 points)
Answers one correctly (1 point)
Both incorrect (2 points)
3) Patient Opens and Close Eyes on Command
Obeys both correctly (0 points)
Obeys one correctly (1 point)
Both incorrect (2 points)
4) Best Gaze (only horizontal eye movement)
Assesses ability for patient to track a pen or finger from side to side only using his or her eyes.
Normal (0 points)
Partial gaze palsy (1 point)
Forced deviation (2 points)
5) Visual Field testing
With the first eye covered, place a random number of fingers in each quadrant and ask the patient how many fingers are being presented. Repeat this testing for the opposite eye.
No visual field loss (0 points)
Partial hemianopia (1 point)
Complete hemianopia (2 points)
Bilateral hemianopia (blind including cortical blindness) (3 points)
6) Facial Paresis
While inspecting the symmetry of each facial expression the examiner should ask patient to show teeth or raise eyebrows and close eye.
Normal symmetrical movement (0 points)
Minor paralysis (1 point)
Partial paralysis (total or near total paralysis of lower face) (2 points)
Complete paralysis of one or both sides (3 points)
7) Motor Function of Right Arm
With palm facing downwards, have the patient extend one arm 90 degrees out in front if the patient is sitting, and 45 degrees out in front if the patient is lying down. As soon as the patient's arm is in position the investigator should begin verbally counting down from 10 while simultaneously counting down on his or her fingers in full view of the patient.
Normal (0 points)
Drift (1 point)
Some effort against gravity (2 points)
No effort against gravity (3 points)
No movement (4 points)
Untestable* (0 points)
8) Motor Function of Left Arm
Normal (0 points)
Drift (1 point)
Some effort against gravity (2 points)
No effort against gravity (3 points)
No movement (4 points)
Untestable* (0 points)
9) Motor Function of Right Leg
With the patient in the supine position, one leg is placed 30 degrees above horizontal. As soon as the patient's leg is in position the investigator should begin verbally counting down from 5 while simultaneously counting down on his or her fingers in full view of the patient.
Normal (0 points)
Drift (1 point)
Some effort against gravity (2 points)
No effort against gravity (3 points)
No movement (4 points)
Untestable* (0 points)
10) Motor Function of Left Leg
Normal (0 points)
Drift (1 point)
Some effort against gravity (2 points)
No effort against gravity (3 points)
No movement (4 points)
Untestable* (0 points)
11) Limb Ataxia
The patient should be instructed to first touch his or her finger to the examiner's finger then move that finger back to his or her nose, repeat this movement 3-4 times for each hand. Next the patient should be instructed to move his or her heel up and down the shin of his or her opposite leg.
None (0 points)
One limb (1 point)
Two Limbs (2 points)
12) Sensory by Pinprick
Normal (0 points)
Mild to moderate decrease in sensation (1 point)
Severe to total sensory loss (2 points)
13) Language
The patient should be asked to explain the scenario depicted in the first figure. Next, he or she should read the list of sentences and name each of the objects depicted in the next figure.
No aphasia (0 points)
Mild - Moderate aphasia (1 point)
Severe aphasia (2 points)
No speech production (3 points)
14) Dysarthria
None (0 points)
Mild - Moderate slurring (1 point)
Severe (2 points)
Intubated or other physical impediment to testing (0 points)
15) Extinction and Inattention
This is performed by having the patient close his or her eyes and asking him or her to identify the side on which they are being touched by the examiner. To test extinction in vision, the examiner should hold up one finger in front of each of the patient's eyes and ask the patient to determine which finger is wiggling or if both are wiggling.
Normal (0 points)
Inattention or extinction to bilateral simultaneous stimulation in one of the sensory modalities (1 point)
Severe hemi-inattention or hemi-inattention to more than one modality (2 points)
能滲透到血腦屏障 (BBB)