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Why Seaweed?

Unhealthy Ocean when Seaweed is not fluent

Searching for 'something' in the brown seaweed


Seaweed has a long history for life. It has been keeping the ocean clean and alive. The strong photosynthesis of algae creates a large affinity for nutrients; this allows the seaweed to be used purposely to remove undesired nutrients from water. Nutrients such as ammonia, ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, iron, copper, as well as CO2 are rapidly consumed by growing seaweed. BotaMedi has been searching for the natural materials in brown seaweed with the hope that it would have special natural materials useful for solar radiation protection, removal of toxic chemicals, and good nutrients for marine life. As the results of more than 10 years efforts, marine polyphenol has been identified and also proven to be very special for the human cell. Botamedi research team has named this polyphenol-structure substances extracted from seaweed as 'Seanol'. (Seanol = Sea+polyphenol) 

Healthy Ocean when Seaweed is fluent

Seanol is a representative of BotaMedi Marine Bio-Phenol.

Miracle from the Sea



Seanol, one of the BotaMedi marine bio-phenols, is a perfectly purified extract from the brown algae that grows near Jeju island, Korea. This natural substance has the very unique physiological property of 'multiple bio-function without side-effects'. It can increase blood circulation, enhance cellular metabolism, reduce inflammation, remove excessive oxidants, activate cellular energy generation, and pass through the blood brain barrier. By all of these functions Seanol can improve the cell vitality in everywhere of the human body. This is the practical benefit of the reverse-aging technology. 

Seanol has been proven to be safe withour side-effects.



1. US-FDA notified Seanol as NDI (New Dietary Ingredient), 2008


2. Korea-FDA notified Seapolynol as New Functional Substance for Lowering Cholesterol in human body, 2012

   -. Seapolynol is concentration of Seanol


3. US-FDA notified Seapolynol as IND (Investigational New Drug), 2013


4. A lot of people have been taking Seanol in many countries without side-effects for more than 10 years.

BotaMedi Health Supplements

Seanol improves the cell vitality to overcome the chronic disease.



Many people in several countries, who could not have found the medical treatment for the severe chronic disease, have been taking Botamedi health supplements and the number of people who experiencing the successful recovery becomes more and more. There have been more and more cases of improvement from the chronic degenerative disease such as dementia, diabetes, arthritis, and various kind s of cancer. Also many scientific reports issued by the authorised medical centers or research institutes also shows the high possibility to heal those disease. Botamedi research group is developing the medicines as well as the health supplements. 

A wonderful gift from Nature

Seanol that provides the multi-function for cellular health




BotaMedi marine polyphenol (Seanol) have been studied in many research institutes all over the world.  


1. Anti-inflammation : The animal tests showed Seanol is strongly effective in control of the expression of NF-κB. 


    *. NF-κB (nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells) is a protein complex that controls transcription of DNA. NF-κB

         is found in almost all animal cell types and is involved in cellular responses to stimuli such as stress, cytokines, free radicals,  

         ultraviolet irradiation, oxidized LDL, and bacterial or viral antigens. NF-κB plays a key role in regulating the immune response to

         infection (κ light chains are critical components of immunoglobulins). Incorrect regulation of NF-κB has been linked to cancer,

         inflammatory, and autoimmune diseases, septic shock, viral infection, and improper immune development. NF-κB has also

         been implicated in processes of synaptic plasticity and memory.


2. Anti-oxidation : Seanol has 10~100 times higher power of reducing oxidants than the well-known anti-oxidant. 


    *. ORAC no of Seanol : 8643


3. Healthy Blood :  The human trials showed Seanol reduces cholesterol level in blood and the animal test

    showed that it enhances the recovery of the cadiovascular endothelial cells.



    *. Almost all tissues depend on a blood supply, and the blood supply depends on endothelial cells, which form the linings of the blood

          vessels. Endothelial cells have a remarkable capacity to adjust their number and arrangement to suit local requirements. They create

          an adaptable life-support system, extending by cell migration into almost every region of the body. If it were not for endothelial

          cells extending and remodeling the network of blood vessels, tissue growth and repair would be impossible. 



4. BBB PenetrationThe animal test showed Seanol can penetrate BBB and stay in the brain.


    *. The blood–brain barrier (BBB) is a highly selective permeability barrier that separates the circulating blood from the brain  

          extracellular fluid (BECF) in the central nervous system (CNS). The blood–brain barrier is formed by capillary endothelial cells, which

          are connected by tight junctions with an extremely high electrical resistivity of at least 0.1 Ωm. The blood–brain barrier allows the

          passage of water, some gases, and lipid soluble molecules by passive diffusion, as well as the selective transport of molecules such

          as glucose and amino acids that are crucial to neural function. On the other hand, the blood–brain barrier may prevent the entry of

          lipophilic, potential neurotoxins by way of an active transport mechanism mediated by P-glycoprotein. 


5. Anti-cancer : The animal test showed Seanol can prevent the skin cells from the UV-radio induced cancer.


    *. International Journal of Cancer, 2006 


6. Cell Protection : The animal tests showed Seanol can prevent the cellular damages of liver, heart, and skin.


7. Cell Activation : The human trials showed Seanol can promote the cellualr activity of mitochondria.


8. Seanol has been to be bio-active in many ways.


   *. Anti-microbial activity, Anti-aging, Enhancement of Metabolism, ...  

The medical food means the food with medical efficacy. BotaMedi marine bio-phenol (MBP) is the substance extracted from brown seaweed which has naturally been harvested in Jeju island, Korea and should be passed the strict quality test to meet the international standard. The purification technology of Botamedi research group can completely remove the hazardous substances from the sea water. Many scientific reports shows that this substance is very effective in treating the chronically degenerative diseases. Specially, there was a splendid light on its effect on brain rejuvenation and anti-cancer treatment. One of the unique features of BotaMedi marine bio-phenol (MBP) is its multi-functional enzyme activity. This substance has many physiological benefits such as anti-inflammation, anti-oxidation, enhancement of blood circulation and metabolism, blood vessel protection, absorption into deep skin, and so on. Also it was proven that it can penetrate the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB). As the results of these multiple functions, it has been known that this has remarkable effects on the cellular vitality. The multiple physiological effects without any harmful effects may regard Botamedi health supplements as the medical food.

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