The Origin of Reverse-aging

Cellular Rejuvenation for multiple benefits
; high content of Botamedi marine bio-phenol
Protection from oxidation stress
Increase of blood circulation
Increase of immunity
Increase of cellular metabolism
Celbon-Pro is a super functional supplement for the intensive health care
; Cancer Treatment, Brain Degenerative, Diabetes Complications,
Loss of energy from long-term hospitalization and etc
180 Capsules per bottle
-. Common recommendation : 6 capsules per day
-. The recommendation can be changeable according to the health condition.
(3~9 capsules per day)
Tip for cancer treatment
-. CelBon-Pro is recommendable from one month before start of the medical treatment.

Healthy Cells against Cancer Cells
Fight against Cancer

Cancer cells attack healthy cells
to get nutritions for their own growth.
Surgery and Medication

The cancer therapy kills cancer cells
but causes healthy cells damaged.
Botamedi marine bio-phenol protects human cells from the oxidative stress and inflammation.
BotaMedi Health Supplement for Cellular Rejuvenation