The Origin of Reverse-aging
"Seanol is the greatest natural wonder after discovery of morphine !!!”
- Robert J. Rowen, MD -
Seanol is really amazing because it has multiple functions without side-effects to cleanse the high lipid blood, to enhance the cellular metabolism, to reduce inflammation, to protect the excessive oxidation, and to activate the cellular recovery from the damages caused by aging or chronic inflammation. It also can penetrate the blood brain barrier to recover the cellular disorders in brain.
There are lots of scientifi research reports and clinical test results on Botamedi marine bio-phenol. If your needs to find some of them, please visit www.seanolscience.org.
1. Origin of Seanol
2. Chemistry of Seanol
3. Cellular Health
4. Literature
5. Seanol Gallery

Announcing the Biggest Health Breakthrough Since CoQ10, he said “This unique ‘sea plant extract’ can help your cholesterol, keep your mind alert, and even comfort your joints." ”It’s incredible! The solution that covers your heart, arteries, veins, and important lipids. It even helps your joints, and protects every cell in your body."
Dr. Stephen T. Sinatra is a board certified cardiologist, nutritionist, and anti-aging specialist specializing in integrative medicine. He has written or contributed to more than a dozen books on cardiovascular health, nutritional supplementation, and nutrition, and he has appeared on national radio and television broadcasts, including CNN’s “Sunday Morning News,” XM Radio’s “America’s Doctor Dr. Mehmet Oz,” and PBS’s “Body & Soul. He is also the author of the monthly newsletter Heart, Health & Nutrition.
"Yes, “EC, Seanol, is simply the best blood pressure solution I’ve seen. If all it did was lower your blood pressure and cut your risk of heart attack and stroke, it would be one of the greatest discoveries of all mankind."
Dr. Robert J. Rowen is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Johns Hopkins University and the University of California at San Francisco. He has been board certified and recertified by the American Boards of Family Practice and Emergency Medicine. He is currently certified by the American Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology. He also served on the Alaska State Medical Board. Dr. Rowen is known as "The Father of Medical Freedom" for pioneering the nation's first statutory protection for alternative medicine in 1990.

Photochemoprevention of UVB-induced skin carcinogenesis in SKH-1 mice by brown algae polyphenols.
The brown algae polyphenols exert highly protective effects against UVB-induced skin carcinogenesis. This result suggests the possibility for further development of brown algae polyphenols as cancer chemopreventive agents against photo carcinogenesis and other adverse effects of UVB exposure.
“These compounds seemed to be dramatically effective at fairly low doses both orally and topically,” says principal investigator Gary D. Stoner, professor emeritus of internal medicine and a cancer chemoprevention researcher.
The study, led by researchers at the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, is published in the Dec. 15 issue of the International Journal of Cancer.
Gary D. Stoner, Professor, Division of Hematology and Oncology in the Department of Internal Medicine.

Dr. Emil Y. Chi, Director of the Department of Pathology, Chairman of the Department of Histopathology, University of Washington Medical School, Histopathology, Professor and Director
LSL 4692 (Seanol) Reduces the Activity of Redox-Sensitive Transcription Factor Nuclear Factor-Keppa B in a Diabetic Mouse Model.
ECE (Seanol) appears to significantly relieve allergic reactions without drowsiness, dizziness and other side effects of anti-histamine drugs.The efficiency of ECE for asthma was confirmed in an allergen-induced murine asthma mouse study by Dr.Emil Chi, Chairman, Histopathology Department, Washington University.
Reduced Fat in Liver & Pancreas.
A mouse study showed that ECE reversed fat deposition in liver and pancreas cells. in addition, this same study showed that ECE served to markedly inhibit inflammation in the pancreas. A recent Harvard (Joslin School of Diabetes) mouse study directly implicates excessive fat deposition in the mouse pancreas for turning on the inflammation pathway, resulting in full-blown type II diabetes and insulin insensitivity in the mice.

Seanol Reputation