The Origin of Reverse-aging
How to use the botamedi products for the brain rejuvenation
The Botamedi health supplements have been supplied for the purpose of recovering the brain function back to the normal, and the number of testimonies by recovering patients have been increasing all over the world.
1. Consult with the medical doctor to make sure of the diagnosis of the current conditions and its medication.
2. Make note of the symptoms in detail that your are worrying about. (Video record)
3. Choose the proper product that Botamedi may recommend, and take it continuously according to its guide.
4. Compare the before and after symptoms every month.
1. Slows Brain Function Deterioration
2. Stops Brain Function Deterioration
3. Restores Lost Brain Functions
4. Improves Normal Brain Functions
Initial signs of improvements are usually seen in 3 months. If there are no signs of improvements within 6 months, the botamedi products may not be recommended for further intake.

Cellular Recovery of Brain Health

Supplements for Healthy Blood
-. Blood Circulation Enhancement

Multi-functional Supplement
-. Anti-inflammtion
-. Anti-oxidation
-. Metabolism Enhancement
-. BBB penetration
-. Blood Detoxification
-. Cellular Vitality
Recovery of Brain Function
-. Memory and Cognitive
-. Stable Emotion
-. Control of Motion
-. Normal Body Function

Intensive Brain Rejuvenation
: Enriched content of Botamedi Marine Bio-phenol
Multiple Benefits for Brain Health Recovery
Post-Stroke, Dementia, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer's and etc
Recovery of Brain Health and Physical Function
Enhancement of memory and cognitive
Stabilization of of emotional ups and downs
Recovery of cellular vitality
180 Capsule in a plastic bottle
Cellular Rejuvenation for Brain Health and Cellular Recovery
: high content of Botamedi Marine Bio-phenol
Multiple Benefits for Brain Health
Recovery of Brain Health and Physical Function
Enhancement of memory and cognitive
Stabilization of of emotional ups and downs
Recovery of cellular vitality
180 Capsule in a plastic bottle
Cellular Anti-Aging for Brain
: Botamedi Marine Bio-phenol
Multiple Benefits for Brain Health
Prevention of Memory Loss
Improvement of Cognitive
Relief of Mental Stress and Tension
Sound Sleep
Rejuvenation of Brain Function
90 Capsule in a glass bottle
Sale at Mannings (Hong Kong)

Supplements for Metabolism
-. Nutrients

HemaPlus (Powder)
Functional Supplement for Blood Circulation and Vascular Health
: Botamedi marine bio-phenol
Blood circulation
Blood detoxification
Improvement of cellular metabolism
Recovery from chronic fatigue
150 gram per bottle
-. General recommendation : 2 spoonfuls per day (10 gram/day)